Chips for week 22, 2021

Monday 07 June, 2021 at 10.30am

Week 22, 2021 ran from Monday 31 May, 2021 to Sunday 06 June, 2021.

  • tagged
  • Another week, and I’m still stacking chips. Last week’s chips looked like this:


    At the start of the week, I wrote down five high level goals:

    1. Improve flourish live preview — ✅
    2. Fix bugs in navigation — ✅
    3. Add all the Atom feeds to — ✅
    4. Improve older GIFs — ❌
    5. Add 1 year of Eurovision data — ❌


    As I've gone through a mental transition of making GIFs occasionally to publishing at least one every day, that site has become harder to navigate to find everything. Plus I'd noted a few problems where the index pages were not listing all (or any!) of the GIFs correctly. So this week I fixed all of the bugs I could find, added by-year and by-month navigation, added Atom feeds almost everywhere, and a 404 page using one of many candidates at random. But because the site is static, this happens every hour not every time you refresh the page.

    As part of this, I fixed a couple of page generation bugs in Flourish (it's hard to preview the bug fixes when your previewer doesn't even know to regenerate the page you're previewing) and released version 0.9.7 on Thursday.

    Plus, to stay on-brand, I added twelve more GIFs to my site's backlog and once again did not add any more years of Eurovision data to my collection.