Chips for week 36, 2021
Tuesday 14 September, 2021 at 5.22am
Week 36, 2021 ran from Monday 06 September, 2021 to Sunday 12 September, 2021.
Another week, and I’m still stacking chips. Last week’s chips looked like this:
At the start of the week, I wrote down some goals:
- Get back into the GIFs habit — ❌
- Write up more about hasworn — ❌
- Write up taking whiteboard pictures — ❌
For the first few days, other than posting my weeknote and fixing a few small bugs (one in GIFs where a too-long description stopped the tweet from sending; one in hasworn where the sites were not building overnight because I got the task name wrong; and I copied the generated site test from here to GIFs to spot problematic content) I got nothing done.
And then Friday, the disk inside my iMac died. First thing in the morning, and after unlocking it, I right-clicked on a link in the web page I had left open as a todo marker. I got the spinning wait beachball. Not unusual, I leave a lot of stuff open on my iMac and, despite having 32GB of memory, I am often into using a few gigabytes of swap too. So left it for a minute, expecting some swapping to occur and then the menu to appear. But it didn't, so I clicked on the memory usage widget that iStat Menus provides to see how badly into swap I was. This is when everything locked solid. No mouse movement, no screen updates, nada.
Power off, wait, power on. A seemingly endless progress bar of startup. I left it for a bit, returned maybe ten minutes later, nothing. Tried again and got the question mark folder. No usable boot partition.

So instead of doing anything useful on Friday I instead arranged a replacement disk with my local service place, took the iMac to them, then stared at the uninterrupted view of the wall of my study.

I then spent every spare minute of my weekend on a new version of an old way of setting up a Mac from scratch, and using it to set up my Mac from scratch. A new version for various reasons, one being to add tests to it, because at some point I broke the in-progress version of the old script with some overly excitable changes and have had a "write tests" todo for years now.
After getting my iMac back, and using said script to help me recreate my preferred setup, only now (Tuesday morning) am I actually in a position where I can preview this weeknote locally on my iMac again, before I publish it.